Cultural characteristics of Chilean and Brazilian workers and strategic management: an integrative literature review

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Latin American countries have experienced an increase in the number of international organizations, especially Chile and Brazil. However, frequently, the specialized literature analyzes the Latin American cluster comprising all its countries as an undifferentiated entity, without acknowledging the particu- lar local characteristics or exceptional cases of development, such as Chile and Brazil. Thus, based on the GLOBE (global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness) cultural dimensions, this chapter aims to provide a revised perspective regarding the principal cultural characteristics of these countries, as well as the management strategies they have developed. The methodology adopted in our study is a review of the literature published in the Web of Science and Scopus. Content analysis is developed after an inclusion/ exclusion process. Among the findings, both these countries evidence signifi- cant cultural differences. Brazil is characterized by hierarchical relationships where workers are loyal and trust their leaders; the Jeitinho is a trait that affects transversally in all the aspects of their lives and relates to an easy-going and non-confrontational behavior that allows them to obtain what they desire. In Chile, a paternalistic and hierarchical style shapes passive relationships characterized by the fear to confront and question authority. Compadrazgo is a mechanism to establish beneficial relationships and contacts. Also, the Chilean culture is pessimistic and fatalistic about its future. Among the man- agement strategies, research in Brazil has shown a significant development in comparison to the Chilean, evidencing pending challenges. Finally, we expected to contribute to the literature by providing knowledge about the cultural particularities of two countries under-researched by the literature on strategic management and culture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCultural Values in Strategy and Organization
EditorsT. K. Das
Place of PublicationCharlotte, NC
PublisherInformation Age Publishing
Number of pages47
ISBN (Electronic)9781648025143
ISBN (Print)9781648025129, 9781648025136
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2021

Publication series

NameResearch in Strategy Science
PublisherInformation Age Publishing


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