Current management of limited-stage SCLC and CONVERT trial impact: Results of the EORTC Lung Cancer Group survey

Antonin Levy, Lizza E.L. Hendriks, Cécile Le Péchoux, Sally Falk, Benjamin Besse, Silvia Novello, Anne Marie C. Dingemans, Baktiar Hasan, Martin Reck, Thierry Berghmans, Corinne Faivre-Finn

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Objectives: The CONVERT trial showed that twice-daily (BD) concurrent chemoradiotherapy should continue to be considered the standard of care in localised LS-SCLC. A survey was conducted to assess the impact of the CONVERT trial in clinical practice and to identify any relevant research questions for future trials in this setting. Methods and materials: An EORTC Group online survey of LS-SCLC practice was distributed to the EORTC LCG and to members of several European thoracic oncology societies between April and December 2018. Results: 198 responses were analysed. The majority of respondents (88%, n = 174) were aware of the CONVERT trial. Radiation oncologists comprised 56% of all respondents. Once-daily (OD) radiotherapy is still the most commonly used regimen, however the use of concurrent BD radiotherapy increased after the publication of CONVERT (n = 59/186, 32% prior to and n = 78/187, 42% after the publication, p = 0.053). The main reasons for not implementing BD after the CONVERT publication were logistical issues (n = 88, 44%), inconvenience for patients (n = 56, 28%), and the absence of a statistical survival difference between the two arms in CONVERT (n = 38, 19%). Brain MRI was used by 28% during staging but more than half (60%) of the respondents did not routinely image the brain during follow-up. The main research questions of interest in LS-SCLC were 1) integrating novel targeted therapies-immunotherapies (n = 160, 81%), 2) PCI (+/- hippocampal sparing) vs. MRI surveillance (n = 140, 71%) and, 3) biomarker driven trials (n = 92, 46%). Conclusion: Once daily radiotherapy (60–66 Gy in 30–33 fractions) remains the most prescribed radiotherapy fractionation, despite the findings suggested by the CONVERT trial.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-147
Number of pages3
JournalLung Cancer
Early online date13 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2019


  • Fractionation
  • Limited-stage
  • Small-cell lung cancer
  • Thoracic radiotherapy

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Manchester Cancer Research Centre


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