DAC Dhaka Architectural Travel Guide

Adnan Morshed, Nesfun Nahar

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This guidebook focuses on 25 buildings in the capital city of Bangladesh, representing different architectural phases since the Mughal era, starting in the early 17th century, to the contemporary Bait ur Rouf Mosque, nominated for the 2016 Aga Khan Award for Architecture. The aim is to narrate the stories of the city through the buildings that played transformative roles in its architectural formation. The featured buildings communicate larger ideas of the city's building tradition, represent an architectural trend, influence the architectural scene, and offer a spatial story on the evolution of the city. As a traveler's resource, this guidebook combines the nuanced architectural and urban history of these buildings, along with maps, drawings, pictures, and practical information.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationChandigarh, India
Number of pages173
ISBN (Print)9788494234224
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017

Publication series

NameSouth Asia Architectural Travel Guides
PublisherAltrim Publishers


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