Darwin's Jews: Online Reader

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site


This online reader was produced as part of a two-year Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship 2013-15 awarded to Prof. Daniel Langton. The project was entitled Darwin's Jews and considered Western Jewish engagement with biological evolutionary theories, Darwinian or otherwise. For each individual, the online reader provides a contextual introduction, a primary text (for the Hebrew sources this means the original (PDF) and an English translation), excerpts from other writings by the author if appropriate, and a select bibliography. Each entry also includes a discussion forum.


Reform Jewish Views
1876: Isaac Mayer Wise
1881: Emil Hirsch
1887: Joseph Krauskopf

Biblical and Rabbinic Views
1865: Elijah Benamozegh
1900: Abraham Isaac Kook

Darwin and the Holocaust
1948: Mordecai Kaplan
1968: Hans Jonas

Racial Theory and Zionist Eugenics
1884: Lucien Wolf
1933: Abraham Matmon
1934: Yisrael Rubin
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2016


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