Dedicated services for Barrett’s esophagus—a survey and service assessment of provision in United Kingdom hospitals

Elizabeth Ratcliffe, Yong Liew, Jen Kwan, Yeson Kim, Maja Kopczynska, James Britton, John Mclaughlin, Shaheen Hamdy, Yeng Ang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Specialist services in medicine are increasingly recognised as gold standard care, in
gastroenterology, studies of Barrett’s esophagus (BE) suggest dedicated services show better adherence to
surveillance protocols and concomitant dysplasia detection. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the
BE practice in UK hospitals.
Methods: Adult endoscopy units in the UK were contacted via phone or email and asked to complete a
9-question survey about their BE service.
Results: Two hundred and sixty-five units (~95%) were contacted with a response rate of 61.9% (164/265),
56.3% (85/151) reported a dedicated BE service. Having a dedicated BE service was associated with the
use of high-resolution white light (92.9% vs. 71.2%, P=0.001) and acetic acid (83.5% vs. 48.5%, Pand the availability of advanced endoscopic therapies such as radiofrequency ablation (43.5% vs. 19.7%,
P=0.004). Trusts which reported a dedicated BE endoscopy service were more likely to have a dedicated BE
clinic (52.9% vs. 16.7%, PConclusions: Dedicated services for BE are available in the UK and associated with quality indicators,
work is needed to determine the efficacy and efficiency of this model of service.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAnnals of the Esophagus
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2022


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