Developing and piloting a dot-probe measure of attentional bias for test anxiety

David W. Putwain, Hannah C. Langdale, Kevin A. Woods, Laura J. Nicholson

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Attentional bias is a key area of research in the clinical and trait anxiety literature. In test anxiety research, however, protocols and measures have yet to be reported. Accordingly, we describe the development of a dot-probe measure of attentional bias for test anxiety. This measure was piloted on a sample of undergraduate students who completed a short, timed, cognitive ability test under high and low performance-evaluation threat conditions. As expected, highly test anxious persons reported an attentional bias towards threat stimuli under the high performance-evaluation threat condition only, consistent with a switch from an avoidant to a vigilant mode of processing. Under the low performance-evaluation threat condition, both high and low test anxious persons showed a bias away from threat stimuli. These findings suggest that test anxiety, like clinical and high trait anxiety is also characterised by attentional bias where a disproportionate amount of attentional resource is directed towards corresponding threat (i.e. test-related) stimuli. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)478-482
Number of pages4
JournalLearning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2011


  • Attentional bias
  • Performance-evaluation threat
  • Test anxiety


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