Development of a surgically optimized graft insertion suture technique to accommodate a tissue-engineered tendon in vivo

P Sawadkar, S Alexander, M Tolk, J Wong, D McGrouther, L Bozec, V Mudera

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The traumatic rupture of tendons is a common clinical problem. Tendon repair is surgically challenging because the tendon often retracts, resulting in a gap between the torn end and its bony insertion. Tendon grafts are currently used to fill this deficit but are associated with potential complications relating to donor site morbidity and graft necrosis. We have developed a highly reproducible, rapid process technique to manufacture compressed cell-seeded type I collagen constructs to replace tendon grafts. However, the material properties of the engineered constructs are currently unsuitable to withstand complete load bearing in vivo. A modified suture technique has been developed to withstand physiological loading and off load the artificial construct while integration occurs. Lapine tendons were used ex vivo to test the strength of different suture techniques with different sizes of Prolene sutures and tissue-engineered collagen constructs in situ. The data were compared to standard modified Kessler suture using a standard tendon graft. Mechanical testing was carried out and a finite element analysis stress distribution model constructed using COMSOL 3.5 software. The break point for modified suture technique with a tissue-engineered scaffold was significantly higher (50.62 N) compared to a standard modified Kessler suture (12.49 N, p
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)327-35
    Number of pages291
    JournalBioresearch Open Access
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • biomaterials
    • extracellular matrix
    • tissue engineering
    • wounds


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