Direct observation and adherence to tuberculosis treatment in Chongqing, China: A descriptive study

Daiyu Hu, Xiaoyun Liu, Jing Chen, Yang Wang, Tao Wang, Wei Zeng, Helen Smith, Paul Garner

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Introduction: China has an estimated 5 million people with tuberculosis (TB). Official policy is that treatment of all patients is directly observed by health workers; completion rates are reported to be in excess of 90%, and drugs should be supplied for free. However, some research suggests there is a gap between the official policies and practice. Methods: Survey of TB patients in four counties of one municipality; record assessment at one TB centre; patient and village doctor in-depth interviews. Results: Sixteen per cent (64/401) reported being directly observed every time they took treatment; less than 5% of TB patients (17/401) were observed by health staff. Overall, 12.5% (50/401) reported they had not taken any TB drugs in the previous week, but this varied between the four counties (range 6.2 to 21.7%). We used survival analysis with medical records at one centre: 74.1% of new patients collected their drugs for their sixth month of treatment, and 50.3% attended the final visit at 6 months. Qualitative research indicated direct observation is neither well understood nor thought to be necessary, and that patients reported being charged expensive fees for ancillary treatments, such as liver protection drugs. Conclusion: In China, direct observation is not well implemented and may not be a feasible policy option. Official completion rates are higher than we found in this study. The concept of free treatment has become blurred, with charges for additional tests and drugs, especially liver protection drugs. The government is already actively tackling these issues, and involvement of managers and others in this process will be helpful. Published by Oxford University Press in association with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine © The Author 2008; all rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)43-55
    Number of pages12
    JournalHealth policy and planning
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2008


    • China
    • Compliance
    • DOT
    • Tuberculosis


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