Distance-based intuitionistic multiplicative multiple criteria decision-making methods for healthcare management in West China Hospital

Huchang Liao, Cheng Zhang, Li Luo, Zeshui Xu, Jian Bo Yang, Dong Ling Xu

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Intuitionistic multiplicative sets use an asymmetric, unbalanced scale to express information from positive, negative, and indeterminate information. They have been found capable of comprehensively and objectively representing a person's intuitive understanding and hence have attracted much attention. Distance techniques are widely used to measure the degree to which arguments deviate from one another. Several fuzzy set extensions have been developed, but little research has been conducted on measures of distance between intuitionistic multiplicative sets. In this paper, we start by presenting a variety of measures of the distance between intuitionistic multiplicative sets, including Hausdorff distance measures, weighted distance measures, ordered weighted distance measures, and continuous weighted distance measures. We then develop a distance-based intuitionistic multiplicative-technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method and a distance-based intuitionistic multiplicative-Vlsekriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje method for handling multiple criteria decision-making problems with intuitionistic multiplicative evaluation information. To demonstrate the practical application of these distance measures and the proposed methods, we provide a case study of hospital management of inpatient admission. The paper ends with comparative analyses of the two methods and some concluding remarks.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12479
JournalExpert Systems
Early online date19 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • distance measures
  • hospital management
  • inpatient admission
  • intuitionistic multiplicative sets
  • multiple criteria decision-making


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