Distributed Fixed-Time Control for Leader-Steered Rigid Shape Formation with Prescribed Performance

Zhongchao Liang, Chunxiao Lyu, Mingyu Shen, Jing Zhao, Zhongguo Li, Zhengtao Ding

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Resorting to the principle of rigid body kinematics, a novel framework for a multi-robot network is proposed to form and maintain an invariant rigid geometric shape. Unlike consensus-based formation, this approach can perform both translational and rotational movements of the formation geometry, ensuring that the entire formation motion remains consistent with the leader. To achieve the target formation shape and motion, a distributed control protocol for multiple Euler-Lagrange robotic vehicles subject to nonholonomic constraints is developed. The proposed protocol includes a novel prescribed performance control (PPC) algorithm that addresses the second-order dynamics of the robotic vehicles by employing a combination of nonsingular sliding manifold and adaptive law. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed formation framework and control protocol is demonstrated through the numerical simulations and practical experiments with a team of four robotic vehicles.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Early online date28 Feb 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 28 Feb 2024


  • Distributed control
  • fixed-time control
  • rigid shape geometry
  • prescribed performance constraint
  • multi-robot vehicles
  • nonholonomic constraint


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