Domesticating Neoliberalism: ‘Domification’ and the Contradictions of the Populist Countermovement in Poland

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This essay asks whether Poland’s populism is evidence of a countermovement to European neoliberal political economy. The electoral success of PiS’s 500+ child benefit policy appears to indicate that state intervention in the form of solidarism is a legitimate response to neoliberalism. The essay argues against this. Taking domification (drawing on the Polish word for home, indicating a shift to greater social solidarism) as a starting point of analysis, it interprets 500+ as a way to co-opt particular social forces to accept the promotion of neoliberal competitiveness in Poland. What at first appears to be a progressive alternative is, in reality, a contribution to further commodification of the reach of capital enabling the reproduction of neoliberalism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1622-1640
Number of pages19
JournalEurope-Asia Studies
Issue number9
Early online date28 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2021


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