Eddy Current Measurement for Planar Structures

Zihan Xia, Ruochen Huang, Ziqi Chen, Kuohai Yu, Zhijie Zhang, Jorge Ricardo Salas-Avila, Wuliang Yin

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Eddy current (EC) testing has become one of the most common techniques for measuring metallic planar structures in various industrial scenarios such as infrastructures, automotive, manufacturing, and chemical engineering. There has been significant progress in measuring the geometry, electromagnetic properties, and defects of metallic planar structures based on electromagnetic principles. In this review, we summarize recent developments in EC computational models, systems, algorithms, and measurement approaches for planar structures. First, the computational models including analytical models, numerical methods, and plate property estimation algorithms are introduced. Subsequently, the impedance measurement system and probes are presented. In plate measurements, sensor signals are sensitive to probe lift-off, and various algorithms for reducing the lift-off effect are reviewed. These approaches can be used for measureing thickness and electromagnetic properties. Furthermore, defect detection for metallic plates is also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8695
Pages (from-to)8695
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2022


  • eddy current testing
  • electromagnetic induction
  • measurement
  • planar structure
  • theoretical calculation


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  • Electromagnetic Sensing Group

    Peyton, A. (PI), Fletcher, A. (Researcher), Daniels, D. (CoI), Conniffe, D. (PGR student), Podd, F. (PI), Davidson, J. (Researcher), Anderson, J. (Support team), Wilson, J. (Researcher), Marsh, L. (PI), O'Toole, M. (PI), Watson, S. (PGR student), Yin, W. (PI), Regan, A. (PGR student), Williams, K. (Researcher), Rana, S. (Researcher), Khalil, K. (PGR student), Hills, D. (PGR student), Whyte, C. (PGR student), Wang, C. (PGR student), Hodgskin-Brown, R. (PGR student), Dadkhahtehrani, F. (PGR student), Forster, S. (PGR student), Zhu, F. (PGR student), Yu, K. (PGR student), Xiong, L. (PGR student), Lu, T. (PGR student), Zhang, L. (PGR student), Lyu, R. (PGR student), Zhu, R. (PGR student), She, S. (PGR student), Meng, T. (PGR student), Pang, X. (PGR student), Zheng, X. (PGR student), Bai, X. (PGR student), Zou, X. (PGR student), Ding, Y. (PGR student), Shao, Y. (PGR student), Xia, Z. (PGR student), Zhang, Z. (PGR student), Khangerey, R. (PGR student) & Lawless, B. (Researcher)

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