Effect of “475°C Embrittlement” on the Corrosion Behaviour of Grade 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Investigated Using Local Probing Techniques

D.L. Engelberg, C. Örnek, S.B. Lyon, T.L. Ladwein

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    The work reported in this paper correlates microstructure development after low temperature embrittlement heat treatments with pitting corrosion susceptibility in grade 2205 duplex stainless steel. Heat-treatments at 475°C for up to 255 hours were carried out and microstructures characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro-hardness testing. Local electrochemical measurements using an electrochemical micro-cell were carried out and the critical pitting temperature (CPT) determined. Short-duration heat treatments for up to 10 hours showed an increase in CPT, attributed to an improved electrochemical character of the ferrite. Long-term heat treatments (>50 hours) indicated a decrease in CPT due to the precipitation of other precipitates and the formation of elemental depletion zones.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEuropean Corrosion Congress EuroCorr
    PagesPaper 1299
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2013
    EventEuroCorr 2014 - Estoril, Portugal
    Duration: 1 Sept 20135 Sept 2013


    ConferenceEuroCorr 2014
    CityEstoril, Portugal


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