Effect of Asymmetric Meshing on the Buckling of Composite Laminated Cylindrical Shells

Z R Tahir, P Mandal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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This paper presents the details of a numerical study of buckling and post buckling behaviour of laminated carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) thin-walled cylindrical shell under axial compression using asymmetric meshing technique (AMT) by ABAQUS. AMT is considered to be a new perturbation method to introduce disturbance without changing geometry, boundary conditions or loading conditions. Asymmetric meshing affects both predicted buckling load and buckling mode shapes. Cylindrical shell having lay-up orientation [0o/+45o/-45o/0o] with radius to thickness ratio (R/t) equal to 265 and length to radius ratio (L/R) equal to 1.5 is used. A series of numerical simulations (experiments) are carried out with symmetric and asymmetric meshing to study the effect of asymmetric meshing on predicted buckling behaviour. Asymmetric meshing technique is employed in both axial direction and circumferential direction separately using two different methods, first by changing the shell element size and varying the total number elements, and second by varying the shell element size and keeping total number of elements constant. The results of linear analysis (Eigenvalue analysis) and non-linear analysis (Riks analysis) using symmetric meshing agree well with analytical results. The results of numerical analysis are presented in form of non-dimensionalload factor, L, which is the ratio of buckling load using asymmetric meshing technique to buckling load using symmetric meshing technique. Using AMT, load factor has about 2% variation for linear eigenvalue analysis and about 2% variationfor non-linear Riks analysis. The behaviour of load end-shortening curve for pre-buckling is same for both symmetric and asymmetric meshing but for asymmetric meshing curve behaviour in post-buckling becomes extraordinarily complex. The major conclusions are: different methods of AMT have small influence on predicted buckling load and significant influence on load displacement curve behaviour in post buckling; AMT in axial direction and AMT in circumferential direction havedifferent influence on buckling load and load displacement curve in post-buckling.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationhost publication
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2011
EventInternational Conference on Advanced Modeling and Simulation - Islambad, Pakistan
Duration: 28 Nov 201130 Nov 2011


ConferenceInternational Conference on Advanced Modeling and Simulation
CityIslambad, Pakistan


  • CFRP Composite Cylindrical Shell, Finite Element Analysis, Asymmetric Meshing Technique, Linear Eigenvalue Analysis, Non-linear Riks Analysis


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