Effect of multiple scattering on the S K-edge EXAFS of Ni(110)-c(2 x 2)-S

S. P. Harte, S. Vinton, R. Lindsay, L. Håkansson, C. A. Muryn, G. Thornton, V. R. Dhanak, A. W. Robinson, N. Binsted, D. Norman, D. A. Fischer

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We have re-examined the surface geometry of Ni(110)-c(2 x 2)-S using SEXAFS. Data out to an electron wavevector of 9 Å-1 are analysed with a new code to assess the influence of multiple scattering. The first-shell S-Ni distance is determined to be 2.20±0.02 Å with the next-nearest neighbour distance being 2.29±0.02 Å, giving a top-layer Ni expansion of 14±3% relative to the bulk. The influence of multiple scattering is sufficiently small not to modify these values.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSurface Science
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 1997


    • Chalcogens
    • Chemisorption
    • Extended X-ray absorption fine structure
    • Low index single crystal surfaces
    • Nickel


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