Effect of temperature on the fracture toughness of anisotropic shale, and other rocks

Mike Chandler, Philip Meredith, Nicolas Brantut, Brian Crawford

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Fracture toughness was measured for a range of rock materials as a function of temperature between ambient temperature and 150°C. Measurements were made along all three principal crack orientations for the transversely isotropic Mancos shale and in single orientations for the more isotropic Darley Dale sandstone, Indiana limestone and Lanhelin granite. Fracture toughness was measured using a modified short-rod method with the sample and loading equipment enclosed within an elevated temperature chamber. A slight increase in KIc was observed in Lanhelin granite with increasing temperatures up to 54°C, before a steady decrease at higher temperatures. For the sandstone and limestone, little change was observed in KIc over the studied temperature range. In measurements on Mancos shale at elevated temperatures. Fracture toughness was seen to increase slightly with increasing temperature in the arrester orientation over this range, while remaining constant in the other two orientations. These observations can be explained in terms of the development of thermally induced microfractures parallel to the bedding planes in this material. A bimodal distribution of KIc values in the short-transverse orientation was not observed, as it has been for previously published measurements at ambient conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGeological Society Special Publication
    Early online date3 Apr 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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