Effect of the operation and humidification temperatures on the performance of a PEM fuel cell stack

M. Pérez-Page, V. Pérez-Herranz

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells have attracted grate attention in recent years as a promising replacement for traditional engines. The performance of PEM fuel cells is known to be influenced by many parameters such as operation temperature and humidification of the gas streams. In this work, a testbench was developed to monitor and control a 300W fuel cell stack. Series of polarization curves with different fuel cell operation temperatures and humidification temperatures have been studied. From the polarization curves the values of kinetic parameters such as the Tafel slope and the cell resistance have been calculated with the fit of the experimental data to an empirical model. The effect of the fuel cell and humidification temperatures on the kinetic parameters has been studied.
Original languageUndefined
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event9th Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Symposium: 216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 4 Oct 20099 Oct 2009
Conference number: 79122


Conference9th Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Symposium
Abbreviated titlePEMFC 9

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