Effect of topography and physical stimulus on hMSC phenotype

Deepak Kumar, Stuart Cain, Lucy Bosworth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study reports the first comparative study addressing the effects of both structural architecture and mechanical loading on human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) positioned at the interface of nanofibrous/hydrogel laminate composites. hMSC phenotype was affected by both stimuli over a 7 day period. Cells orientated parallel to the underlying fibre direction irrespective of environment (electrospun 2D fibre sheet or laminate 2D sheet with collagen gel layer). Application of cyclical tensile force (5% strain, 1Hz, 1hr per day) encouraged hMSCs to remain at the fibre/gel interface, whereas cells cultured in static conditions migrated from the interface into the upper hydrogel layer. Depending on the stimulus applied, hMSCs differentiated into several cell lineages, with those cultured at the interface and physically stimulated expressing markers indicative of angiogenesis, osteogenesis and tenogenesis. This paper highlights the importance of developing biomaterial scaffolds with environmental cues to specifically drive cells towards the tissue intended for bioengineering.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2019


  • Electrospinning
  • hydrogels
  • composites
  • human mesenchymal stem cells
  • extracellular matrix
  • mechanical stimulation


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