Electrical phase change of Ga: La:S:Cu films

R. E. Simpson, A. Mairaj, R. J. Curry, C. C. Huang, K. Knight, N. Sessions, M. Hassan, Daniel W. Hewak

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Ga:La:S:Cu films have been prepared by sputter deposition. Amorphous thin films were fabricated with Cu concentrations as high as 66 at.. The electrical phase change properties of these films have been investigated. The electrical resistivity of these materials is 200Ωm in the amorphous state and 40Ωm in the crystalline state. The crystallisation time was measured using an optical pump probe method and confirmed to be 150ns. The high resistivity of these films in both their crystalline and amorphous states allows low current, Joule, heating and therefore shows potential for the utilisation as the active layer in electrical phase change memory devices.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)830-832
    Number of pages3
    Journal Electronics Letters
    Issue number15
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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