Electronic equipment for detecting truffles|uses polymeric detectors whose electrical resistance varies with amount of volatile material in air

    Research output: Patent


    In the truffle detection appts., ambient air from near the ground being searched is drawn into an inverted funnel (12) and then through a sampling head (18) by a pump (17) which is located in a supporting tube (13). Polymeric detector heads (1) are fixed half way along the sampling head (18).The upper end of the tube (13) has a handle (15) attached to a box (14) which houses a microcomputer and its peripherals which allow the relative changes in the electrical resistances of the various detectors to be compared to those corresponding to the presence of truffles.ADVANTAGE - Difficulties of training and transporting dogs or pigs are avoided as well as operating losses due to animals eating truffles.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFR2696236-A1; ES2074016-A2; IT1272618-B; ES2074016-B1
    Publication statusPublished - 1994


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