Enhanced Strontium Removal through Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation by Indigenous Ureolytic Bacteria

Matthew White-Pettigrew, Samuel Shaw, Lewis Hughes, Christopher Boothman, James Graham, Liam Abrahamsen-Mills, Katherine Morris, Jonathan R. Lloyd

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Microbial ureolysis offers the potential to remove metals including Sr2+ as carbonate minerals via the generation of alkalinity coupled to NH4+ and HCO3– production. Here, we investigated the potential for bacteria, indigenous to sediments representative of the U.K. Sellafield nuclear site where 90Sr is present as a groundwater contaminant, to utilize urea in order to target Sr2+-associated (Ca)CO3 formation in sediment microcosm studies. Strontium removal was enhanced in most sediments in the presence of urea only, coinciding with a significant pH increase. Adding the biostimulation agents acetate/lactate, Fe(III), and yeast extract to further enhance microbial metabolism, including ureolysis, enhanced ureolysis and increased Sr and Ca removal. Environmental scanning electron microscopy analyses suggested that coprecipitation of Ca and Sr occurred, with evidence of Sr associated with calcium carbonate polymorphs. Sr K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis was conducted on authentic Sellafield sediments stimulated with Fe(III) and quarry outcrop sediments amended with yeast extract. Spectra from the treated Sellafield and quarry sediments showed Sr2+ local coordination environments indicative of incorporation into calcite and vaterite crystal structures, respectively. 16S rRNA gene analysis identified ureolytic bacteria of the genus Sporosarcina in these incubations, suggesting they have a key role in enhancing strontium removal. The onset of ureolysis also appeared to enhance the microbial reduction of Fe(III), potentially via a tight coupling between Fe(III) and NH4+ as an electron donor for metal reduction. This suggests ureolysis may support the immobilization of 90Sr via coprecipitation with insoluble calcium carbonate and cofacilitate reductive precipitation of certain redox active radionuclides, e.g., uranium.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)483–498
JournalACS Earth and Space Chemistry
Issue number3
Early online date26 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2024


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