Enhanced sulphidation/oxidation resistance of Ti-45Al-8Nb alloy by nanostructured CrAlYN/CrN coatings at 750 degrees C

T Dudziak, HL Du, PK Datta, AP Ehiasarian, C Reinhard, PE Hovsepian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper discusses the sulphidation/oxidation protection offered by multilayer CrAlYN/CrN coatings etched by Cr, CrAl and Y ions, deposited by a combined high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS)/unbalanced magnetron sputtering (UBM) technique on a Ti–45Al–8Nb alloy (at%). The test was performed at 750 °C in an environment of H2/H2S/H2O yielding low oxygen (10−18 Pa) and high sulphur (10−1 Pa) partial pressures for up to 1000 h. The results show that all the exposed materials underwent uneven degradation; some places developed a thin protective oxide scale (Al,Cr)2O3 with a tiny sulphur content, whilst others developed a porous non-protective TiO2 + Al2O3 scale as well with a tiny sulphur content.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45-60
Number of pages16
JournalMaterials and Corrosion
Issue number1
Early online date21 Jun 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • TiAl
  • UBM
  • Corrosion
  • Multilayer coating
  • Oxidation
  • Sulphidation


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