EOSC-Life Workflow Collaboratory for the Life Sciences

Carole Goble, Finn Bacall, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Stuart Owen, Ignacio Eguinoa, Bert Droesbeke, Hervé Ménager, Laura Rodriguez-Navas, José m. Fernández, Björn Grüning, Simone Leo, Luca Pireddu, Michael Crusoe, Johan Gustafsson, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Frederik Coppens

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Workflows have become a major tool for the processing of Research Data, for example, data collection and data cleaning pipelines, data analytics, and data update feeds populating public archives. The EOSC-Life Research Infrastructure Cluster project brought together Europe’s Life Science Research Infrastructures to create an Open, Digital and Collaborative space for biological and medical research to develop a cloud-based Workflow Collaboratory. As adopting FAIR practices extends beyond data, the Workflow Collaboratory drives the implementation of FAIR computational workflows and tools. It fosters tool-focused collaborations and reuse via the sharing of data analysis workflows and offers an ecosystem of services for researchers and workflow specialists to find, use and reuse workflows. It’s web-friendly Digital Object Metadata Framework, based on RO-Crate and Bioschemas, supports the description and exchange of workflows across the services.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure
Subtitle of host publication 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities
PublisherTIB Open Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2023
Event1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) : Connecting Communities - Karlsruhe, Germany
Duration: 12 Sept 202314 Sept 2023
Conference number: 1

Publication series

NameProceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure
ISSN (Print)2941-296X


Conference1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI)
Abbreviated titleCoRDI
Internet address


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