Evaluating hip morphology based radiographic hip osteoartrhitis risk prediction models on new populations: data of the world coach consortium

Myrthe A. van den Berg, Fleur Boel, Michiel M. van Buuren, Noortje S. Riedstra, Jinchi Tang, Harbeer Ahedi, Vahid Arbabi, Nigel Arden, Sita Bierma-Zeinstra, Cindy Boer, Flavia Cicuttini, Timothy F. Cootes, Kay M. Crossley, David Felson, Willem Paul Giellis, Josh Heerey, Graeme Jones, Stefan Kluzek, Nancy E. Lane, Claudia LindnerJohn A. Lynch, Joyce v. Meurs, Andrea Mosler, Amanda E. Nelson, Michael Nevitt, Edwin Oei, Jos Runhaar, Harrie Weinans, Jesse Krijthe, Rintje Agricola

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Purpose (the aim of the study): Despite the growing burden of hip osteoarthritis (HOA), primary prevention methods are slowly emerging. Early identification of HOA is crucial in enhancing our understanding of HOA development and treatment options. Several hip morphology risk factors play a role during the development of radiographic HOA (RHOA), but the exact contribution to RHOA risk in a broad population remains unclear. By combining individual participant data (IPD) of various studies while considering study heterogeneity, novel modeling techniques could be explored to work towards individualized prediction models. This study aimed to evaluate the predictive performance of several hip morphology based RHOA risk prediction models built on multi-cohort datasets.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


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