Evaluation of water content in honey using microwave transmission line technique

Zhen Li, Arthur Haigh, Constantinos Soutis, Andrew Gibson, Robin Sloan

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    The microwave transmission line technique is presented as an effective method for evaluation of honey purity for the first time. The electrical permittivity is an intrinsic parameter of a material that can be used as a purity index. For the permittivity calculation, it is found that the combination of the characteristic matrix method and Tischer’s model can offer the highest accuracy. A genetic algorithm is introduced to provide an initial approximate permittivity value and acquire the Cole-Cole parameters of the honeys. The accuracy provided by the methodology used in this study is superior to that offered by a commercially available probe. Operating at room temperature and a frequency range of 6-8 GHz, the measurements demonstrate that the permittivity of honey increases with increased added water. A relationship between the added water content and the permittivity of honey-water mixture is established, which could be a powerful tool for detecting honey adulteration.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Food Engineering
    Early online date30 Jul 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Honey
    • transmission line technique
    • Permittivity
    • added water content
    • Adulteration


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