Evidence of Spin-Canting, Metamagnetism, Negative Coercivity, and Slow Relaxation in a Two-dimensional Network of {Mn6} Cages

Catherine Dendrinou-Samara, James Walsh, Christopher Muryn, David Collison, Richard Winpenny, Floriana Tuna

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    The synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic studies are reported for a two-dimensional network of mixed valence {Mn6} cages. The compound contains three different bridging ligands: pivalate, phenylphosphonate, and partially deprotonated triethanolamine. The result of using three bridging ligands is a
    complex structure involving a {MnIII2MnII4} edge-sharing bitetrahedron that interlinks, forming a layered structure. Weak intercage interactions lead to a remarkably complicated magnetic behaviour, with a phase transition at 2.1 K leading to a canted antiferromagnetic state.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
    Early online date8 Sept 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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