EVOLVE: A tool for evaluating the design of older people's housing

Alan Lewis, Judith Torrington, Sarah Barnes, Robin Darton, Jacquetta Holder, Kevin McKee, Ann Netten, Alison Orrell

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EVOLVE is a tool for evaluating the design of housing for older people. It is used to assess how well a building contributes to the physical support and personal well-being of older people. Developed from research into extra care housing, it can be used for a variety of building types, including sheltered housing and individual private houses. The tool can be used by architects, housing providers, commissioners, researchers and individual tenants or home owners. EVOLVE can be used as a briefing document or an aid to design. It can provide a rational basis to the selection of proposals in a competitive procurement process. The EVOLVE tool can also be used to evaluate existing housing stock, including schemes where remodelling is under consideration. © Pier Professional Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36-41
Number of pages5
JournalHousing, Care and Support
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


  • Ageing
  • Building evaluation tool
  • Housing
  • Older people


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