Evolving antinomies of culinary practice: Britain 1968-2016

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This paper examines continuity and change in the bases of recommendations about dishes to prepare and serve in the household in Britain between 1968 and 2016. Employing a content analysis of recipes in widely circulating women’s magazines, it compares a sample of recipes from 2015–16 with ones from 1968 and 1992 analyzed previously in. In this follow-up study, new data are collected, using the same coding frame, with findings interpreted through the same conceptual framework, to classify recommendations about domestic food preparation with reference to four “culinary antinomies” expressing symbolic, structural oppositions between (1) health and indulgence, (2) economy and extravagance, (3) convenience and care, and (4) novelty and tradition. The changing prevalence of these principles of recommendation is described. Discussion revolves around interpretation of the social significance of changing recommendations, modification of the conceptual framework, and methodological aspects of the measurement of social change.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-19
JournalFood, Culture, and Society
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2022


  • Antinomies of culinary taste
  • Britain
  • cultural change
  • fashions in food
  • food discourses
  • food preparation
  • measurement of social change
  • recipes
  • recommended dishes
  • women’s magazines


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