Examination of generation mechanisms for an english channel meteotsunami: Combining observations and modeling

David A. Williams, Kevin J. Horsburgh, David M. Schultz, Chris W. Hughes

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    On the morning of 23 June 2016, a 0.70-m meteotsunami was observed in the English Channel between the United Kingdom and France. This wave was measured by several tide gauges and coincided with a heavily precipitating convective system producing 10ms -1 wind speeds at the 10-m level and 1-2.5-hPa surface pressure anomalies. A combination of precipitation rate cross correlations and NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis 1 data showed that the convective system moved northeastward at 19 ± 2ms -1 . To model the meteotsunami, the finite element model Telemac was forced with an ensemble of prescribed pressure forcings, covering observational uncertainty. Ensembles simulated the observed wave period and arrival times within minutes and wave heights within tens of centimeters. A directly forced wave and a secondary coastal wave were simulated, and these amplified as they propagated. Proudman resonance was responsible for the wave amplification, and the coastal wave resulted from strong refraction of the primary wave. The main generating mechanism was the atmospheric pressure anomaly with wind stress playing a secondary role, increasing the first wave peak by 16% on average. Certain tidal conditions reduced modeled wave heights by up to 56%, by shifting the location where Proudman resonance occurred. This shift was mainly from tidal currents rather than tidal elevation directly affecting shallow-water wave speed. An improved understanding of meteotsunami return periods and generation mechanisms would be aided by tide gauge measurements sampled at less than 15-min intervals.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)103-120
    Number of pages18
    Issue number1
    Early online date28 Dec 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


    • Atmosphere-ocean interaction
    • Convective storms
    • In situ oceanic observations
    • Ocean models
    • Oceanic
    • Radars/Radar observations
    • Waves


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