Experimental Realization of the Coupling Function Secure Communications Protocol and Analysis of its Noise Robustness

Gorjan Nadzinski, Matej Dobrevski, Christopher Anderson, Peter V. E. McClintock, Aneta Stefanovska, Mile Stankovski, Tomislav Stankovski

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    There is an increasing need for everyday communications to be both secure and resistent to external perturbations. We have therefore created an experimental implementation of the coupling-function-based secure communication protocol, in order to assess its robustness to channel noise. The transmitter and receiver are implemented on single-board computers, thereby facilitating communication of the analog electronic signals. The information signals are encrypted at the transmitter as the timevariability of nonlinear coupling functions between dynamical systems. This results in a complicated nonlinear mixing and scrambling of the information. To replicate the channel noise, analog white noise is added to the encrypted signals. After digitization at the receiver, the decryption is performed with dynamical Bayesian inference to take account of time-varying dynamics in the presence of noise. The dynamical Bayesian approach effectively separates the deterministic information signals from the perturbations of dynamical channel noise. The experimental realization has demonstrated the feasibility, and established the performance, of the protocol for secure, reliable, communication even with high levels of channel noise.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
    Early online date9 Apr 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Dynamical Systems
    • Coupled systems
    • Coupling function
    • Bayesian inference
    • Communication
    • Noise
    • Secure


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