Experimental study of the isomeric state in 16N using the 16Ng,m(d,3He) reaction

T. L. Tang, C. R. Hoffman, B. P. Kay, I. A. Tolstukhin, S. Almaraz-calderon, B. W. Asher, M. L. Avila, Y. Ayyad, K. W. Brown, D. Bazin, J. Chen, K. A. Chipps, P. A. Copp, M. Hall, H. Jayatissa, H. J. Ong, D. Santiago-gonzalez, D. K. Sharp, J. Song, S. StolzeG. L. Wilson, J. Wu

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The isomeric state of N16 was studied using the N16g,m(d,He3) proton-removal reactions at 11.8 MeV/u in inverse kinematics. The N16 beam, of which 24% was in the isomeric state, was produced using the Argonne Tandem-Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) in-flight system and delivered to the Helical Orbit Spectrometer (HELIOS), which was used to analyze the He3 ions from the (d,He3) reactions. The simultaneous measurement of reactions on both the ground state and the isomeric states, reduced the systematic uncertainties from the experiment and in the analysis. A direct and reliable extraction of the relative spectroscopic factors was made based on a distorted-wave Born approximation approach. The experimental results suggest that the isomeric state of N16 is an excited neutron-halo state. The results can be understood through calculations using a Woods-Saxon potential model, which captures the effects of weak binding.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064307
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number6
Early online date21 Jun 2022
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2022


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