Experimental validation of FEM-computed stress to tip deflection ratios of aero-engine compressor blade vibration modes and quantification of associated uncertainties

Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed, Philip Bonello, Peter Russhard, Pavel Procházka, Mohammed Lamine Mekhalfia, Eder Batista Tchawou Tchuisseu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Blade Tip Timing (BTT) technology is concerned with the estimation of turbomachinery blade stresses. The stresses are determined from BTT data by relating the measured tip deflection to the stresses via Finite Element (FE) models. The correlation of BTT measurements with FE predictions involves a number of uncertainties.
This paper presents the process for validating the FE stress and deflection predictions of aero-engine compressor blades under non-rotation conditions as a critical preliminary step towards the complete understanding of their dynamic behaviour under rotating conditions when using BTT measurements. The
process steps are described in detail, including the FE modelling and analysis of the blades and the blade-disk assembly, and the measurements of the blade tip deflection and blade stress. Furthermore, the uncertainties associated with the FE modelling and the measurement processes are quantified. The results show that the FE model is valid considering the control of most uncertainties. The experimental validation of the FE-computed stress-to-tip deflection calibration factors in the present study provides the basis for the determination of the
calibration factors under rotational conditions using a previously presented BTT data simulator, and for the design of corresponding rotating experiments using BTT.

Keywords: Blade tip timing, FEM validation, Vibration measurements, Blade stresses
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109257
JournalMechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Early online date12 May 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


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