Fine-grained or coarse-grained? Strategies for implementing parallel genetic algorithms in a programmable neuromorphic platform

Steve Furber, Indar Sugiarto

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Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of popular heuristic-based optimization methods that attracts engineers and scientists for many years. With the advancement of multi- and many-core technologies, GAs are transformed into more powerful tools by par- allelising their core processes. This paper describes a feasibility study of implement- ing parallel GAs (pGAs) on a SpiNNaker. As a many-core neuromorphic platform, SpiNNaker offers a possibility to scale-up a parallelised algorithm, such as a pGA, whilst offering low power consumption on its processing and communication over- head. However, due to its small packets distribution mechanism and constrained pro- cessing resources, parallelising processes of a GA in SpiNNaker is challenging. In this paper we show how a pGA can be implemented on SpiNNaker and analyse its performance. Due to inherently numerous parameter and classification of pGAs, we evaluate only the most common aspects of a pGA and use some artificial benchmark- ing test functions. The experiments produced some promising results that may lead to further developments of massively parallel GAs on SpiNNaker.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)182-191
Number of pages10
JournalTELKOMNIKA Telecommunications, Computing, Electronics and Control
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2021


  • Genetic algorithm
  • Network on chip
  • Neuromorphic computing
  • Parallel computing
  • SpiNNaker


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