Gender and Housing in Soviet Russia: Private Life in a Public Space

L. Attwood

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This book explores the housing crisis throughout Soviet history, looking at changing political ideology on appropriate socialist forms of housing, the meaning and experience of ‘home’ for Soviet citizens, and the differential experiences of men and women. MUP’s peer reviewers described it as ‘accessible, informative and engaging’, but with sufficient new evidence and insight to make it ‘“cutting-edge” research’; ‘[e]xisting studies of Soviet housing are either more limited in chronological scope or more focused on matters of policy at the expense of social history’; ‘[i]mportant topics that sometimes slip out of the researcher’s gaze are here dealt with clearly and securely.’ Since publication it has been positively reviewed in a range of prestigious journals, with one reviewer, Christine Varga-Harris (Reviews in History) describing it as ‘striking for the breadth of topics it covers’.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationManchester
PublisherManchester University Press
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010

Publication series

NameGender and History
PublisherManchester University Press


  • housing - home - byt (daily life) - gender - Soviet Russia


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