Gender similarities in emotion perception tasks in a Latino population

Alvaro Cavieres, Rocio Maldonando, Amy Bland, Rebecca Elliott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Basic emotions are universally recognized, although differences across cultures and between genders have been described. We report results in two emotion recognition tasks, in a sample of healthy adults from Chile. Methods: One hundred ninety-two volunteers (mean 31.58 years, s.d. 8.36; 106 women) completed the Emotional Recognition Task in which they were asked to identify a briefly displayed emotion, and the Emotional Intensity Morphing Task, in which they viewed faces with increasing or decreasing emotional intensity and indicated when they either detected or no longer detected the emotion. Results: All emotions were recognized at above chance levels. The only sex differences present showed men performed better at identifying anger (p = 0.0485), and responded more slowly to fear (p = 0.0057), than women Discussion: These findings are consistent with some, though not all, prior literature on emotion perception. Crucially, we report for the first time, data on emotional perception in a healthy adult Latino population, which contributes to emerging literature on cultural differences in affective processing.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Psychological Research
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 26 Feb 2021


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