General practice managers’ motivations for skill mix change in primary care: results from a cross-sectional survey in England

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Objectives: To determine the factors that motivated GP practice managers in England to employ non-medical roles, and to identify an ideal hypothetical GP practice workforce.

Methods: Cross sectional survey of GP practice managers in England (n=1,205). The survey focused on six non-medical roles: advanced nurse practitioner, specialist nurse, health care assistant, physician associate, paramedic and pharmacist.

Results: The three most commonly selected motivating factors were: (i) to achieve a better match between what patients need and what the practitioner team can deliver; (ii) to increase overall appointment availability; and (iii) to release GP time. Employment of pharmacists and physician associates was most commonly supported by additional funding. Practice managers’ preferred accessing new non-medical roles through a primary care network or similar, while there was a clear preference for direct employment of additional GPs, advanced nurse practitioners or practice nurses. The ideal practice workforce would comprise over 70% of GPs and nurses, containing, on average, fewer GPs than the current GP practice workforce.

Conclusion: This study confirms that more diverse teams of practitioners are playing an increasing role in providing primary care in England. Managers prefer not to employ all new roles directly within the practice. A more detailed investigation of future workforce requirements is necessary to ensure that health policy supports the funding (whether practice or population based), recruitment, training, deployment and workloads associated with the mix of roles needed in an effective primary care workforce.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Health Services Research and Policy
Early online date17 Aug 2022
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2023


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