Generation of longitudinally polarized terahertz pulses with field amplitudes exceeding 2 kV/cm

Matthew J Cliffe, Aniela Rodak, Darren M Graham, Steven P Jamison

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    We demonstrate the generation of near-single cycle longitudinally polarized terahertz radiation using a large-area radially biased photoconductive antenna with a longitudinal field amplitude in excess of 2 kV/cm. The 76 mm diameter antenna was photo-excited by a 0.5 mJ amplified near-infrared femtosecond laser system and biased with a voltage of up to 100 kV applied over concentric electrodes. Amplitudes for both the transverse and longitudinal field components of the source were measured using a calibrated electro-optic detection scheme. By tightly focusing the radiation emitted from the photoconductive antenna, we obtained a maximum longitudinal field amplitude of 2.22 kV/cm with an applied bias field of 38.5 kV/cm.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalApplied Physics Letters
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2014


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