Globalization and Regionalization: Strategies, Policies and Economic Environments

Jean Louis Mucchielli, Peter Buckley, Victor V. Cordell

Research output: Book/ReportAnthology


Globalization and Regionalization: Strategies, Policies, and Their Economic Environment puts you on top of the world, with the big picture of global trade and rapid business internationalization at your feet. You'll see how the two opposing market forces, globalization and regionalization, have created a new international trade environment. In addition, you'll see how the recent upsurge in preferential trading arrangements, the new technologies adapted by firms, and the foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade policies of countries and blocs have combined to dramatically change how and why international business is conducted.

Globalization and Regionalization is just what it says it is--a guide to understanding the strategies and policies that countries and firms employ to prosper in an international business environment in which globalization and regionalization seem to act as opposing forces. In this unique volume, you'll discover how some of the top competing business scholars in the world see the way that regionalization and globalization can function as complements to each other, actually becoming the building blocks that lead to global strategies. Specifically, this book gives you world-class information about:
how to evaluate trade creation and trade diversion at the country level
the dynamics of optimal entry strategy for multinational enterprises (MNEs)
the effects of differences between countries’ competition policies on cross border mergers and acquisitions
the internationalization of services through international banking strategy
how an open door policy allows China to play an important role in the recrudescence of globalization
Vietnam as host to foreign business activity

Globalization and Regionalization is the collective and international result of the World Conference on Globalization and Regionalization at the University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne. If you're an educator, international business director, scholar of international studies, or entrepreneur, you'll definitely want to get the information that was presented at this important international venue. Overall, this collection will give you a clearer picture of the current direction of international trade in today's rapidly shifting and progressive global trade environment.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAbingdon
Number of pages347
ISBN (Print)9780789005137
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 1998


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