Heritage- led Regeneration and Social Cohesion in Multicultural Communities: A study of the Gorton Monastery Restoration Project

Elnaz Ghafoorikoohsar

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


Heritage is a significance resource for regeneration. A successful regenerationmeans a kind of change which brings social, economic and environmental life backto context of a place. The economic benefits of heritage based regeneration areclearly evident in contemporary thinking and practice; however, the socialdimensions of this process are poorly understood and valued.On the other hand, there is a strong focus on social inclusion agenda in social policyof UK government. So this study aims to focus on inclusionary potential of heritagebased regeneration. Social inclusion is a multi-faceted concept in today’smulticultural communities which needs cross-cutting and multi-pronged approach.In more details, this study is exploring the role of heritage in achieving socialinclusion amongst different ethno-cultural groups of a community through aregeneration project. According to different ways of achieving inclusion based onsocial dimensions of each locality, this research used a case study approach at theGorton Monastery restoration project.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Manchester
Place of PublicationManchester, UK
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2010


  • Heritage led Regeneration
  • Social Inclusion
  • Historic Buildings
  • Restoration
  • New East Manchester


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