How distinctive is philosophers’ intuition talk?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The word “intuition” is one frequently used in philosophy. It is often assumed that the way in which philosophers use the word, and others like it, is very distinctive. This claim has been subjected to little empirical scrutiny, however. This article presents the first steps in a qualitative analysis of the use of intuition talk in the academy. It presents the findings of two preliminary empirical studies. The first study examines the use of intuition talk in spoken academic English. The second examines the use of intuition talk in written academic English. It considers what these studies tell us about the distinctiveness of philosophical language and methods and considers some implications for evaluative and ameliorative methodology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)515-538
Number of pages24
Issue number4-5
Publication statusPublished - 13 Nov 2015


  • Metaphilosophy
  • Sociology of philosophy
  • Intuitions
  • Philosophical methods
  • English for academic purposes,
  • Descriptive methodology
  • Qualitative methods
  • Corpus research
  • Spoken language


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