How often do healthy people cough?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective cough frequency has been reported in several respiratory conditions but the amount that healthy individuals cough daily is unclear. Seventy-nine healthy volunteers (38 males, median [IQR] age 41y [IQR 30-53]) completed 24-hour ambulatory cough monitoring (VitaloJAK™). The audio recording was filtered using a custom written algorithm to remove non-cough sounds and then all individual explosive cough sounds in the filtered file were tagged electronically by trained cough counters. Most coughing occurred during the day and cough numbers over 24 h were generally low (geometric mean of 4.6 coughs) but there was large variability; ranging from 0 to 136 coughs overall. Cough frequency was independent of participant characteristics apart from sex with males coughing significantly, 4-5 fold, more than females during the day and over 24 h (median [IQR] 16.1 [3.8-33.4] vs. 4.1 [1.0-15.0] total coughs; p = 0.015). This is the first report to describe cough frequency in a balanced group of healthy adults using an accurate cough monitoring system. The data reveal a further example of sexual dimorphism in cough, which warrants additional investigation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275
JournalRespiratory Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 11 Nov 2023


  • Male
  • Adult
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Cough/diagnosis
  • Monitoring, Ambulatory
  • Health Status
  • Algorithms


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