Hydrogel contact lens ageing

Philip B. Morgan, Nathan Efron

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Purpose: To determine if hydrogel lens water content decreases over wearing periods of up to four weeks; that is, demonstrate an 'ageing' effect. Methods: Six subjects (4 males, 2 females; age range: 34.8 ± 11.0 years) wore each of the following lenses for one month: Acuvue, Frequency 38, Gentle Touch and Proclear. Pre-insertion and post-removal lens water content was measured daily by the subjects using an Atago CL-1 Soft Contact Lens Refractometer for a 28 day period. Post-insertion and pre-removal comfort was recorded over the same period. Results: A significant lens ageing effect was noted whereby the preinsertion lens water content decreased significantly over the 28 day cycle for all lenses (P <0.05). The pattern for daily dehydration remained consistent for the 28 day period for the Acuvue lens and the Gentle Touch lens but decreased for the Frequency 38 lens and the Proclear lens. Comfort decreased significantly by the end of the day for three of the four lens types investigated. Conclusions: It is apparent that the extent of lens dehydration changes over time, and that this pattern of change is different for different lens types. The associated loss of oxygen performance with dehydration is demonstrated. These data will assist practitioners in understanding the clinical effects of soft lens dehydration over time.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)85-90
    Number of pages5
    JournalThe CLAO Journal
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2000


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