Hymer's analysis of the multinational organization: Power retention and the demise of the federative MNE

Mohammad Yamin, Ulf Holm (Editor), Mats Forsgren (Editor), Jan Johanson (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapter


Chapter Reprinted from International Business Review, Vol. 15 (2006), 166–179, ‘Hymer’s Analysis of the Multinational Organization: Power Retention and the Demise of the Federative MNE’, by Mohammad Yamin and Mats Forsgren. Copyright © 2005 by Elsevier Ltd. With kind permission from Elsevier. All Rights Reserved // This book presents more than four decades of research in international business at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University. Gradually, this research has been recognized as 'The Uppsala School'. The work in Uppsala over the years reflects a broad palette of issues and approaches. There are, though, some common characteristics of most of the contributions which motivates the 'school' label, beyond the fact that all have their origin in Uppsala. We claim that the dominating work has been devoted to three basic themes; knowledge as an asset and as a problem, markets as business networks and power within and between organizations. In this book these three themes have been discussed relation to firms' internationalization process and the multinational firm as an organization. A dominating feature of the work done in Uppsala is also its strong emphasis on empirical data as a base for theory development, which often has been collected through personal interviews with Swedish firms. // PART I: INTRODUCTION Knowledge, Networks And Power - The Uppsala School Of International Business; Mats Forsgren, Jan Johanson And Ulf Holm PART II: THE INTERNATIONALIZATION PROCESS OF THE FIRM 1. Experiential Knowledge And Cost In The Internationalization Process; Eriksson K., Johanson J., Majkgard A. and Sharma D 2. A Note On The Criticisms Against The Internationalization Process Model; Hadjikhani A. 3. The Concept Of Learning In The Uppsala Internationalization Process: A Critical Review; Forsgren, M. 4. Internationalisation In Industrial Systems - A Network Approach; Johanson J. and Mattsson L.G. 5. Business Networks And Cooperation In International Business Relationships; Blankenburg Holm, Eriksson and Johanson 6. The Uppsala Internationalization Process Model Revisited: From Liability Of Foreignness To Liability Of Outsidership; Johanson J. and Vahlne J-E. 7. Network Knowledge And Business-Relationship Value In The Foreign Market; Hohenthal J., Johanson J. and Johanson M. 8. Division Headquarters Go Abroad - A Step In The Internationalization Of The Multinational-Corporation; Forsgren M., Holm U. And Johanson J. PART III: THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION 9. Headquarters Knowledge Of Subsidiary Network Contexts In The Multinational Corporation; Holm U., Johanson J. and Thilenius P. 10. Rationality Vs Ignorance: The Role Of MNE Headquarters In Subsidiaries' Innovation Processes; Ciabuschi F., Forsgren M. and Martin Martin O. 11. Internal Embeddedness, Headquarters Involvement, And Innovation Importance In Multinational Enterprises; Ciabuschi F., Dellestrand H. and Martin Martin O. 12. The Strategic Impact Of External Networks - Subsidiary Performance And Competence Development In The Multinational Corporation; Andersson U., Forsgren M., and Holm U. 13. Competence Development Through Business Relationships Or Competitive Environment?: Subsidiary Impact On MNC Competitive Advantage; Holm U., Holmstrom C. and Sharma D. 14. Cultural Distance Or Cultural Positions? Analysing The Effect Of Culture On The HQ-Subsidiary Relationship; Drogendijk, R. and Holm, U., International Business Review, (2012), Pp. 383-396. 15. Balancing Subsidiary Influence In The Federative MNC: A Business Network View; Andersson A., Forsgren M. and Holm, U. 16. Quo Vadis? The Entry Into New Technologies In Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries Of The Multinational Enterprise; Blomkvist K., Kappen P. and Zander I. 17. Hymer's Analysis Of The Multinational Organization: Power Retention And The Demise Of The Federative; MNE. Yamin, M. and Forsgren, M. //
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationKnowledge, Networks and Power - The Uppsala School of International Business
Place of PublicationHoundmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K.
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan Ltd
Number of pages17
ISBN (Print)9781137508805 1137508809
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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