Immunosuppression by seminal plasma from fertile and infertile men: Inhibition of natural killer cell function correlates with seminal PG concentration

R. W. Kelly, A. J. Quayle, E. M. Wallace, F. C W Wu, T. B. Hargreave, K. James

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Human seminal plasma has uniquely high concentrations of PGE and 19-hydroxy PGE but the function of these PGs has not been elucidated. PGs of the E series have been shown to be paracrine and autocrine regulators of the function of immune cells and high levels of PGE have been shown consistently to suppress function in such cells. Human seminal plasma has a potent immunosuppressive effect and evidence is accumulating that this is largely due to PG components. In this study the effects of human seminal plasma on the killing activity of natural killer (NK) cells as judged by 51Cr release from K562 cells have been studied in groups of fertile and infertile men. Although there was no significant difference in the PGE, 19-hydroxy PGE or the NK cell inhibitory activity in the two groups, the inhibition of NK cell activity was closely correlated with the PGE and the 19-OH PGE content of the seminal plasma in the fertile group. This finding is further evidence that the major contribution to the immunosuppressive properties of human semen is provide by the high concentration of PGs of the E series in this fluid. © 1991.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)257-260
    Number of pages3
    JournalProstaglandins, Leukotrienes & Essential Fatty Acids
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 1991


    • human-sperm function
    • prostaglandins
    • invitro
    • suppression
    • identification
    • lymphocytes
    • products
    • semen


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