Implementing the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines in a District General Hospital

Iain Page, G Hardy, J Fairfield, D Orr, R Nichani

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We describe efforts made at Blackpool Victoria Hospital to implement the well-established international Surviving Sepsis guidelines. These included posters, pocket guides and stickers inserted in patient notes. All doctors and nurses in acute areas received specific information and education. Sepsis teams comprising both doctors and nurses were formed to encourage implementation and to audit and disseminate data. Data collection occurred from February to November 2009. Cases were considered prospectively at the time of initial assessment and 198 patients were identified; 169 (85%) had blood cultures taken; 146 (74%) had lactate levels measured; and 145 (74%) received antibiotics within the target time. We believe these results demonstrate relatively effective implementation of guidelines in the challenging environment of a district general hospital. Our results could be replicated easily and provide a good way of reducing patient mortality at minimal financial cost.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-315
JournalJournal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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