Improving the turnaround times of infectious disease markers reporting in an NHS stem cell department

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The Stem Cell Donation and Transplantation Department at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) facilitates unrelated donor haematopoietic stem cell transplantations for patients with life-threatening haematological malignancies or other blood diseases. Donors must be screened for infectious disease markers (IDMs) prior to donation. The purpose of IDM testing is to assess whether the donor currently has, or previously had, an infectious disease that could be transmitted to the recipient. The turnaround time (TaT) from sample collection to the return of IDM results is important to transplant clinicians and their patients. NHSBT has a target TaT of 80% within seven calendar days. Our initial analysis showed us that we failed to meet this in any week in the previous year, and our service was neither efficient nor consistent, so there was considerable improvement potential.

This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to improve the TaT of the IDM reporting service. We tested three change ideas through four Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. We collected data on TaTs from our laboratory information management system (LIMS) and updated our statistical process control charts after each PDSA cycle. Over the course of the project, we reduced the mean TaT from 8.9 days to 5.5 days and increased the proportion of samples reported within the 7-day benchmark from 50% to 89%, reaching the key performance indicator (KPI) target.

Conducting this project was a rewarding experience. Although we encountered unanticipated technical issues during PDSA experiments, and we found that some change plans were not as effective in improving the KPIs as we expected, the improvement by the end of the study period was substantial. This QI project enabled us to meet our TaT targets and, ultimately, help ensure that our patients receive timely transplants. It suggests that QI may have wider applications across our part of NHSBT.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere001814
Pages (from-to)e001814
Number of pages8
JournalBMJ Open Quality
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • Healthcare sciences
  • Higher Specialist Scientist Training programme
  • Quality improvement
  • NHS


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