Increases in activity of proteasome and papain-like cysteine protease in Arabidopsis autophagy mutants: Back-up compensatory effect or cell-death promoting effect?

Marien Havé, Thierry Balliau, Betty Cottyn-Boitte, Emeline Dérond, Gwendal Cueff, Fabienne Soulay, Aurélia Lornac, Pavel Reichman, Nico Dissmeyer, Jean Christophe Avice, Patrick Gallois, Loïc Rajjou, Michel Zivy, Céline Masclaux-Daubresse*

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Autophagy is essential for protein degradation, nutrient recycling, and nitrogen remobilization. Autophagy is induced during leaf ageing and in response to nitrogen starvation, and is known to play a fundamental role in nutrient recycling for remobilization and seed filling. Accordingly, ageing leaves of Arabidopsis autophagy mutants (atg) have been shown to over-accumulate proteins and peptides, possibly because of a reduced protein degradation capacity. Surprisingly, atg leaves also displayed higher protease activities. The work reported here aimed at identifying the nature of the proteases and protease activities that accumulated differentially (higher or lower) in the atg mutants. Protease identification was performed using shotgun LC-MS/MS proteome analyses and activity-based protein profiling (ABPP). The results showed that the chloroplast FTSH (FILAMENTATION TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE H) and DEG (DEGRADATION OF PERIPLASMIC PROTEINS) proteases and several extracellular serine proteases [subtilases (SBTs) and serine carboxypeptidase-like (SCPL) proteases] were less abundant in atg5 mutants. By contrast, proteasomerelated proteins and cytosolic or vacuole cysteine proteases were more abundant in atg5 mutants. Rubisco degradation assays and ABPP showed that the activities of proteasome and papain-like cysteine protease were increased in atg5 mutants. Whether these proteases play a back-up role in nutrient recycling and remobilization in atg mutants or act to promote cell death is discussed in relation to their accumulation patterns in the atg5 mutant compared with the salicylic acid-depleted atg5/sid2 double-mutant, and in low nitrate compared with high nitrate conditions. Several of the proteins identified are indeed known as senescence- and stress-related proteases or as spontaneous cell-death triggering factors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1369-1385
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Experimental Botany
Issue number6
Early online date27 Jan 2018
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2018


  • AALP
  • CATHB3
  • metacaspase
  • nitrogen remobilization
  • RD21
  • SAG12
  • senescence


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