Independent-cluster parametrizations of wave functions in model field theories. III. The coupled-cluster phase spaces and their geometrical structure

J. S. Arponen, R. F. Bishop

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    In this third paper of a series we study the structure of the phase spaces of the independent-cluster methods. These phase spaces are classical symplectic manifolds which provide faithful descriptions of the quantum mechanical pure states of an arbitrary system. They are "superspaces" in the sense that the full physical many-body or field-theoretic system is described by a point of the space, in contrast to "ordinary" spaces for which the state of the physical system is described rather by the whole space itself. We focus attention on the normal and extended coupled-cluster methods (NCCM and ECCM). Both methods provide parametrizations of the Hilbert space which take into account in increasing degrees of completeness the connectivity properties of the associated perturbative diagram structure. This corresponds to an increasing incorporation of locality into the description of the quantum system. As a result the degree of nonlinearity increases in the dynamical equations that govern the temporal evolution and determine the equilibrium state. Because of the nonlinearity, the structure of the manifold becomes geometrically complicated. We analyse the neighbourhood of the ground state of the one-mode anharmonic bosonic field theory and derive the nonlinear expansion beyond the linear response regime. The expansion is given in terms of normal-mode amplitudes, which provide the best local coordinate system close to the ground state. We generalize the treatment to other nonequilibrium states by considering the similarly defined normal coordinates around the corresponding phase space point. It is pointed out that the coupled-cluster method (CCM) maps display such features as (an)holonomy, or geometric phase. For example, a physical state may be represented by a number of different points on the CCM manifold. For this reason the whole phase spaces in the NCCM or ECCM cannot be covered by a single chart. To account for this non-Euclidean nature we introduce a suitable pseudo-Riemannian metric structure which is compatible with an important subset of all canonical transformations. It is then shown that the phase space of the configuration-interaction method is flat, namely the complex Euclidean space; that the NCCM manifold has zero curvature even though its Reimann tensor does not vanish; and that the ECCM manifold is intrinsically curved. It is pointed out that with the present metrization many of the dimensions of the ECCM phase space are effectively compactified and that the overall topological structure of the space is related to the distribution of the zeros of the Bargmann wave function. © 1993 Academic Press. All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)334-380
    Number of pages47
    JournalAnnals of Physics
    Publication statusPublished - 1993


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