Indigenous fish traps and fish weirs on the Darling (Baaka) River, south‐eastern Australia, and their influence on the ecology and morphology of the river and floodplains

Sarah Martin, Hubert Chanson, Badger Bates, Duncan Keenan‐Jones, Michael C. Westaway

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Fish traps and fish weirs built by Indigenous people in the Barwon-Darling River system of the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), south-eastern Australia, are an important component of their traditional social, spiritual and economic systems. The celebrated Brewarrina stone fish traps (Ngunnhu) on the Barwon River are the largest and best documented stone fish traps in the Basin. However, there has been minimal research on the many other stone fish traps in this system. This paper focusses on the in-stream stone fish traps downstream of Brewarrina along the Darling (Baaka) River, some still partly extant, remembered, or documented in historical material. Wooden and earthen bank fish traps and weirs, while not as enduring and archaeologically visible as stone fish traps, were frequently used on the Darling (Baaka) floodplain lakes, swamps and billabongs. Archaeological evidence, traditional cultural knowledge and historical materials are utilised to document the complex social processes and modification of landscapes associated with fish traps and weirs. By demonstrating that Barkandji were active and successful managers of the river and its ecology prior to colonisation, and that much of this cultural knowledge is retained by current generations, the authors make a case for them to renew their custodianship and a decision-making role in water management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-114
Number of pages24
JournalArchaeology in Oceania
Issue number1
Early online date1 Dec 2022
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • Barkandji
  • Darling Baaka River
  • barkandji
  • darling baaka river
  • fascines à poissons
  • fish weirs
  • gestion de l'eau et de l'écologie
  • indigenous fish traps
  • pièges à poissons indigènes
  • water and ecological management


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