Disrupting and Re-imagining European Studies: towards a More Diverse and Inclusive Discipline

Maxine David, Maria Garcia, T Haastrup, Frank Mattheis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


In 2019, UACES and the European Studies Association of Sub-Saharan Africa (ESA-SSA) launched a project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus Plus Jean Monnet Projects. The aim of the programme was to encourage and promote diversity within European Studies - broadly defined. The project, ‘Diversity, Inclusion and Multidisciplinarity in European Studies’ (DIMES) sought to explore ways to increase diversity within the field of European Studies, in particular with regards to the ethnicity, disciplinary focus, geographical location of its participants and eventually knowledge production within European Studies itself. The outlined aims of the project were threefold: 1) to improve the representation of BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of colour) academics within UACES and European studies more generally; 2) to move away from the emphasis on Western European and North American academics towards greater inclusion for scholars from under-represented, even marginalised geographies; 3) to broaden the disciplinary focus of contemporary European Studies to include adjacent/related disciplines such as anthropology, human geography, cultural studies and sociology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)151-162
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Contemporary European Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2023


  • (Multi-) Disciplinarity
  • Decentring
  • Decolonisation
  • Disruption
  • Diversity
  • European Studies
  • Inclusivity


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